There were a few empty tables and booths when we first arrived but they soon filled up. You would think there would be less people eating out during a down economy but this place was hoping. There were plenty of waiters and waitresses dressed in black pants with white shirts attending on all the tables. Our waitress took drink orders and we all were able to quench our thirsts with beers, sodas, water and margaritas. At the entrance to the restaurant there is a full service bar and large wine cooler on the left wall with see-through glass walls stocked with hundreds of wine bottles.
The waitress brought plenty of bread and seasoned butter to the table as she told us about the day’s specials and reviewed items on the menu. The lunch menu was not extensive but had several sandwiches and burgers listed for around $12.95, seafood stew $12.95 and Risotto of the day $13.95. Most ordered the Burton Burger and a few the Risotto and Stew. Everything was done just right and very tasty. After lunch we ordered some coffee and a couple of desserts to share around the table with extra spoons.
I was sitting in the middle of the long table with half the Romeos on my right and the other half on the left. Most of the time I could only hear those that were closest to me. It’s hard having conversation with a large group in a noisy place. I have gone for all those hearing tests but seem to be in a category where a hearing aid won’t help with the frequency of sounds that I miss. However, I am a good lip reader and make out what most people are saying.
Joe Loduca just returned from a cruise along the Mediterranean and thoroughly enjoyed the stops in Turkey and Greece and Italy. Joe Lapiana talked with Jack Tweedie about an upcoming breakfast for local Justices Peace. Joe Pignatiello thanked Joe Lapiana for letting him know about the theater shows at the Merrimac Theater in Lowell. Joe P. bought tickets for his daughter who always loves the arts. Joe Lapiana said he attended a performance in Melrose put on by the Melrose Philharmonic who had been performing for 92 years. He said it was a Christmas special and very inspiring.
Ed D, Joe Lap, Jim T. and Joe Lod. talked about the North End and the many Benevolent Societies and Churches there that took care of the people in the neighborhood. There was no welfare in the 1940s and 50s. Ed D. also talked about the great Molasses spill and fire near Christopher Columbus HS. When he went to school there in the 50s and 60s you could still smell the molasses. Joe Lap. said the elevated trains had a distinguishing feel to Boston but he is happy with the new look and especially the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
I also talked with Ed D. and Jim T. about my Short Stories Blog and the Adventurers of the Romeo Gang. It has been a lot of fun and I enjoy doing the research to make sure all the facts are correct and try to relate the stories to Romeo activities and current events to make them relevant.
Jack Tweedie talked with Mark Ryan and Joe Balsama about applying for a teaching job at a local HS. He would fill in for the rest of the year and teach honors chemisty classes. On second thoughts he turned it down realizing the everyday commitment, preparation, homework, correcting papers, etc. and likes the retirement life. Joe B. talked with Mark R. about spending the holidays at home and he and his wife cooked Turkey for Thanksgiving. Joe B. also passed out calendars from The Swampscott Historical Society which had weather data on each date and old historic pictures from the area.
The time went by quickly and it was 2 PM before we realized it. However, before we left, we decided on the next lunch date to be January 20th at the Mt. Vernon at the Ship in Lynnfield. You will get an email from Jim Terlizzi.
Although I did bring my camera, I forgot to take pictures of the group and only took one after we left of the restaurant outside. Mia Culpa. I was too occupied trying to hear what everyone was saying.
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